Love and Aliens

Few realise the real extreme of what aliens can really do to our planet. I was wrong to assume they would come in peace or just show their friendly faces and disappear again till we next need them, it was definitely an ideal dream; I see that now. I remember, it wasn't too long ago when they fist came. Me and some friends were looking in a abandoned factory, the insides were dirty and unkempt, we loved it. We wanted to explore more of it, the hollow rooms felt like a playground to us, the final room lead to a floor which lead to us to a garden like that of a terrace house. And surrounding it were just that, terrace houses, lined synchronised with the gardens lined just the same. The gardens would have appeared like a green field to an onlooker. We were happy, we knew where we were going, we had been in that abandoned factory before, it was a place to be in the sorrowful little town we lived. It was an old factory none the less the houses were built long after the factory was classed derelict and actioned for refurbishment. It had a view what none of the town had, a view of not just the town but the town and the one beyond it. The view was perfect, each and every time me and my friends were up there we would just sit and look for hours appreciating the world, even in the little town we were in it felt like we were superior just for having this perfect view of our world. I always imagined that way back in time some soldiers would of used this point of ours to look for invaders, and that it would of saved their lives, it didn't for us. I was the first to be taken, the first to be used. I had no idea, how would you? It was so bizarre for me, happening so quickly but still living through it, they didn't mind. Every last one of them died, I feel less upset with time but regardless I can help but remember them. We had decided to go in at night, there was a meteor shower showing that very night, something none of us had ever seen before, something we all felt would be phenomenal; sure enough it was. I was with my friends Sally, Greg, Tom, and Jamie, it was such a lost night we could of done anything, but it was so quickly decided it became quite clear it was meant as fate. Climbing up each derelict room and every broken staircase I wondered if Sally would ever really fall for me, I loved her a lot but she only showed interest in me once when she kissed me one night. Her hug felt like an embrace from a god, her kiss my God, just felt like heaven it really did. But weeks went by and she acted like nothing happened, and you can only react rationally really can't you? So I played along, I knew she had interest in both Greg and Tom but I dared not mention it, I felt like I was poking a fire, only more flames would of become of it.

Walking onto the green banks, we could only see dark clouds in the midnight sky. Slowly but gradually a crimson fog appeared from nowhere, we didn't think too much of it. It was a pretty sight to be fair watching the colors mix with the blue and black of the sky, and every white star tingeing it's bleakness with it's crimson mist made us feel like we were watching colors meet for the first time in a landscape painting. The people who lived there knew us, we were regulars to that scenic bar. Cats would come and settle next to us and purr whilst we would sit and look onwards. It was when the noises began that we started to panic. A mass thunderous squeal came from the sky, like two heavy built robots colliding against one another. Togs were turning and enraged and we were there in the middle of it all, lights like dandelions flew across the sky like soap bubbles from a child's toy. Bright green, red, orange, yellow everywhere those things kept appearing in and out of the sky. We had nowhere to run, the only thing we could do was to lay low and pray to God that whatever those things were are harmless, and if not; don't find us. I was filled with fear when one of the green lights came to me and hovered over my leg, then so suddenly it jumped straight into it. I embraced myself, I stayed hidden, around me all I could hear were screams from my friends. I had no idea what was happening. When I drew up my courage to look I found I couldn't move, I was frozen to that spot. It was then that I caught my first glimpse at the aliens. They looked nice, warm and friendly. They had pupils, something I found a bit weird I never imagined them to be anything more that walking stickmen with hollow eyes. There bodies were built like ours but with subtle differences. There mannerisms mostly, they body hair was different as well, but they mostly looked human. It did look like they were uncomfortable on our planet. Their hair looked like it was being erected by static, but their bodies flowed like they were walking at a bottom of a swimming pool. Certain body parts were larger and some smaller, like their necks and faces were more with one with each other. I passed out, when I woke I had lost my leg but I wasn't in any pain. My friends were gone, dead. There was no other explanation, the world was in panic, so was I. I opened my eyes, there I found one of the cats fully grown, standing on its hind legs, to slowly kneel down and lick my face. . .

Purrrrr '' Oh sorry... Hope I didn't starrtle you, you were sleeping and things are not looking very good around hereee.'' Where everyone was I honestly couldn't say, but at this point in time my mind blanked out and started focusing on this four foot tabby in front of me. 'I don't want to sound rude, but cats can't speak, it's a fact.'' I had to admit she was good evidence to say I was wrong but I was doubting my own eyes, well actually my sanity. 'Wellll, the last thing I remember was that I was about to sit on this young boys lap and sleep then this orange ball thingy was playing around in front of me, and I just couldn't resist catching it, oh I do love playing, do you like playing? That's my hobby you know, playing. And also sleeping and eating, oh and mice!'' ''I've woken up with a idiot.'' ''That's not very nice you know, I just enjoy the simplicities of life. You should learn from me, I'm great.'' ''Yes, I'm sure you are but I need to find my friends, if they're not dead or turned into cats.'' Ohhh, wouldn't that be lovely, we could be friends!'' I guess I had no other choice than to befriend this feline, the obvious reason being that I had only one leg to stand on. So be it as it were she was my crutch and over than her random comments she was a nice cat to be around. The ground was shaking as she helped me up. I looked around to the abandoned factory to find that it was no longer standing. When the aliens came they caused and earthquake and it looked like we were about to have another. We exited the quickest way we could over a small wall to an old deserted cobble house which was far enough away from the edge of the hill. There was no one around as far as I could tell, it was dark and the street lamps were all out. I don't think the cat knew her name or where she was from, she looked familiar though and I could only think that she was one of the cats who would come and join me and my friends. I wanted to call her something, as up to now she didn't know her name. After a while I convinced her that it was a normal thing for people to have names, and even though she posed the argument that she wasn't people I insisted it would be easier to call her something than just cat, as it would get confusing if we met other cats. So, eventually after all that she called herself Something, I wasn't in the mood to argue.

We were lucky to find a safe place to say that night, the noises came and went and when they did the cat went crazy (I still refuse to call her Something). It was a bizarre night in the least, I had no idea or clue of what would happen to me. We slept the night to go out and explore the city the next morning. When the sun rose we were distracted by the large bleak black space ship hovering amidst the air. It's understandable now that humans can only view so much without their heads exploding. The cat couldn't, as she viewed the mass ship in the air she jumped and ran and scratched till she jumped too far and over the cliff. Our friendship was short lived, I'll miss her. Yet in some weird way I was glad that I was alone, after losing my friends I wasn't prepared to become attached to anyone else that easily. But her death gave me only sorrow, this world is slowly losing itself with these beings. And it looks like I have to face whatever is ahead alone. I stumble and hop to look for a crutch, a find an old table and rip two of the legs off to support my missing limb. It was strange, though my leg had vanished it felt like I still had it and sometimes as I walked I would feel as though both my feet were touching the earth. I didn't know what to make of my life, I was a phantom with a phantom limb. Surrounded by invaders from another planet with a dead friends, one a walking, talking feline. My hope hasn't entirely gone, over the green fields I saw figures move like silhouettes in the distance. I knew I wasn't alone, but I didn't know if I was with anyone human.

Years passed after that day. I found no other people though there were times when I saw more silhouettes. The day got shorter with their stay, I never saw another one of them after I saw my first. I can't shake the image of his or even her static her. My memory feels like it's gradually getting weaker, I still try and stimulate my mind. Abandoned newspapers became great life preservers for sanity, canned food in desolate shops were heaven for food, though my body never really got any real nutrition anymore. I still groomed, the best a man could. Though I grew my hair, it was less out of hopelessness but more a feeling of bohemia. The world had perished before my very eyes, I lived, I still life barely. It was invigorating, exciting, intimidating and new, I was a new man in this new world. The hair was symbolic to that degree, a was born again; an orphan of earth.


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