
Showing posts from October, 2016

The Last Sketches of Alice

Prologue It was the blizzard that kept her indoors.   So it was from the sanctuary of her bedroom that Alice watched the snowfall. She brought out her notebook and began to draw the lines of the snowflakes as they spiralled out on the window. They began to web, appearing to make cracks in the glass.   As if a spider was waiting for its prey. It was the first days of winter. And the first time Alice heard about him . She spiralled the ice onto her paper, the pencil askew as she heard the fatal screams from next door.   A mans head rolled on to the ice below stuck like a fly onto the frozen web. Chapter 1 Static played from Alice Harbinger’s walkie-talkie, a voice was trying to reach her. It hummed with the stray flies.   Alice lifted her walkie and flicked the switch, turning the dial, tuning out the feedback. Crccht…. “Welcome to Willholme…”Chrcct.   The voice belonged to a man, his voice deep but gentle. “…Bill?.” Rccct… “Alice!” fzzr “Shouldn’t you be running this place? Maybe not ta