
Showing posts from July, 2013

Existential Hide and Seek

                                                                    For John. No one ever expects the road to go on forever, looking into the abyss I began to wonder if this road would ever end.   Seeing horizons appear and fade in the distance there was something very therapeutic about riding this bus.   Maybe it’s that my life is in the hands of a total stranger controlling a machine that could potentially murder anyone who stepped callously in front of them, or maybe it’s the rumbling of the engine that beat against my head as I let it rivet off the window.    Either way I was being escorted to my shitty little town in a shitty bus tha...


Omni- (Latin) everywhere, everything. Chrono/Chron- (Latin) indication of time/time itself. The Present- box full of poison Time is a ruthless bitch that makes you sure you don’t forget where you went wrong.   On my path to redemption I tried to redeem one of those wrongs.   There must have been twenty drunken messages sent, some poetic, others downright disgustingly rude.   But I like to consider myself a man of versatility. She was there in my life so prominently, it was a strange feeling knowing she’d never be there again.   I could see her face as I woke up every morning, she would be so peaceful only a true sinner would want to wake an angel from a slumber like that.   And I’d just watch as her chest rose and fell.    She’d make breathing so majestic it was like a ballet, finely tuned; practiced and provoking emotions I never knew I had.   It was a thousand things to tell me it was love.   She’d groom me like a primitive ape, bursting p...